The word proskuneo is derived from two Greek root words namely; pros (meaning “towards”) and kuneo, which is “kiss” which is translated to mean “to bow down to the ground before someone and kiss his feet, the hem of his garment, or the ground in front of him.” While the physical part of the act of worship can be readily seen from this description, the word’s meaning is actually much deeper. In both the Old and New Testaments, (Exodus 12:27 & Matthew 2:11), the meaning of PROSKUNEO conveys the concept of reverent submission that encompasses both an outward physical posture and an internal attitude of the heart in worship towards our king, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Proskuneo Ministry, therefore, is a yearly worship program that brings together many believers from all walks of life to lie prostrate before The King, our Lord Jesus Christ, and offer their incense of worship. In the program, THE HOLY SPIRIT is given an opportunity to impact the fruit of the spirit in us.